The definition of Instructional Technology
In the 2008 AECT, the definition that educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. The new definition focuses on the notion that the instructional interventions created by professionals in the field and the goal of the field are to improve learning and performance. (Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 2008).
My Definition of Instructional Technology
The definition of instructional technology is that a process of solving educational problems and concerns, also, make it convenient through using technological methodologies. In the past years, educators focus on the areas of instructional media, such as computers, DVDs and the other types of software associate with the instructional media. Now, performance improvement lead to educators focuses on the areas of instructional design and technology.
In my opinion, educational technology is the best label on the instructional technology field because educational technology is "the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning". Instructional Technology is a practical field of study that instructors research and develop teaching methods, techniques, and materials to improve learning and performance.

History of Instructional Technology
Early definitions of the field of instructional technology focused on instructional media. In addition, the early definition indicated that instructional technology was a process for systematically designing instruction and the subject of the instructional technology was to bring more effective instruction.
1920's------Instructional technology was considered as instructional media, such as films, pictures, and slides.
1940's------During World War II, many educators who had training and experience in conducting experimental research were asked to conduct and develop training materials for the military. Audiovisual devices were used in the military and in the industry instead of school.
1950's------Instructional technology was discussed as a process instead of just media. In this process, television was used as a medium of instruction.
1970's------Some new models of the instructional design were created. The instructional design rapidly developed in different fields, including military, education, business, and industry.
1990's------Instructional designers used computers to improve their performance rather than just as an instructional tool.
2000's------Computers and other digital technology were extensively used in business and industry, higher education, K-12 education, and the military.
The three learning theories of Instructional Technology
Behaviorism: 1938-B.F. Skinner introduces the Behavioral Learning Theory. This theory focus on learning that can be understood, explained and predicated entirely rely on observable events. (Skinner, 1954). Learners should practice the desired behavior until the desired level of performance is achieved.
Cognitivism: Cognitivism focuses on inner mental activities. In this learning theory, human brains and the computer information system are connected. Cognitivism theory focuses on information and knowledge to be received, transformed, and stored for recall and use in the individual mind. Compare with behavioral theory, cognitivism theory more pay attention to what happened in the learner’s mind.
Constructivism: This theory focus on learner gain knowledge through individual study experience and interactions with the world. In this learning theory, learners are encouraged to explore and discuss knowledge and ideas to solve real-world problems.
Scholar in Instructional Technology
B.F. Skinner: He is a pioneer of modern behaviorism. Skinner believes that effective teaching must be based on active reinforcement, and active reinforcement is more effective than punishment in changing and building behavior.
Robert Gagne: Gagne has combined instructional design with the cognitive learning process and has made great efforts on cognitivism. He distinguishes internal and external conditions that led to different outcomes.
Jean Piaget: Constructivism was founded by Piaget. He emphasized the importance of learners' active participation in knowledge construction. Students are considered to use background knowledge and concepts to help them acquire new information.
IT Trends
In my opinion, the major trend of instructional technology is to use more technologies to facilitate instructors' teaching and improve learners' learning. Several developments have an important influence on the field of instructional technology. One of the developments is the improving use of the Internet as a means of presenting instructions to students. As a result, there was significant growth in online learning, in business, and in the military. This situation will provide more and more job opportunities in instructional technology to identify interesting and effective means of delivering instruction online.
My educational philosophy
In modern society, technology could advance the development of traditional education. In fact, students carry backpacks over-filled with books, papers and electronic devices such as IPads and phones have become a commonplace sight in primary, middle, and high schools across the country, as they carry their work with them (Katz et al., 2012). Those situations are effectively evidence to evident technology plays an important role in our learning process.
My educational philosophy
According to the understanding of ETEC500, I learned many definitions of instructional technology. I also learned the instructional technology labels in the field. Moreover, I learned some information about instructional technology history. I also learned the characteristic of foundation instructional design models.
All of them help me gain instructional technology definitions, and all knowledge will be useful to me. For example, I learned to create five hands coded HTML pages for my e-Portfolio including Home, Foundation, Design, Research, and Technology, also, I learned to build navigation links to my other pages. For me, it is so excited that I can become a new designer by using HTML in this program, even though I never study coding before.
Katz, I., Buzukashvili, T., & Feingold, L. (2012).Homework stress: Construct validation of a measure. Journal of Experimental Education, 80, 405–421.
Reiser, R. A. (2012). A history of instructional design and technology. In R. A. Reiser & J. V.Dempsey (Eds.), Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (3rd ed., pp. 24-25). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Saettler, P. (1990). The evolution of American educational technology. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
Skinner, B.F. (1954).The science of learning and the art of teaching. Harvard Educational Review, 24, 86-97.