Designing website
The first technology skill I have mastered is to create websites using website building software, such as HTML, Site Ground. In my project, I created a website using Wix, a website builder software, to show my e-portfolio.
Making and editing video
The second technology skill I have mastered is making and editing videos. In ETEC644, I designed the program to help Chinese parents to pass the USA Custom and border protection (CBP). In the program, I used MySimplyShow, a web-based software, to create some animated videos related to documents, prohibited items. These animated videos can gain learners’ attention and improve their performance. Then, I used Camtasia to edit videos related to the program.
Here are videos I made using MySimpleShow
Here are videos I edit using Camtasia

3-D Model Software
The third technology skill I learned is a basic 3-D model software in 676D class. In the process of design through using Sketch Up, I learned how to build own 3-D space from a 2-D floor plan. This is my first-time using Sketch Up, it is so exciting and interesting. In the whole individual project, I build my own house though using Sketch Up.
Here is a video of my final project by using Sketch Up